Category: News
Upcoming show !
Thank you for coming to meet me so many in Dinan, and thank you for your enthusiasm! Now I am working on the next event, completely dedicated to sculpture. The “Terre et Flamme” collective show will take place at Chantepie, near Rennes, from October 29 to November 1st. Here is the official poster and all…
L’Art est dans la ville
I will be in DINAN for the artistic journey “L’Art est dans la ville”, from september 29 to october 1st. Do not hesitate to come and meet me at “Perlépampille“, where I will show 6 to 8 sculptures. For more infos click on the picture below. Je serais à DINAN à l’occasion du parcours artistique…
Flying to the moon
Did you know that my sculpture “Underwater” has been selected to represent contemporary art in the LUNAR CODEX archives ? It will be launch to the moon by “NASA’s artermis partners” in 2024 ! Saviez-vous que ma sculpture “Underwater” a été selectionnée pour représenter l’art contemporain dans les archives du LUNAR CODEX ? Elle sera…
My new piece “Iridescence” is finally done ! I did it in full polymer clay and beetle elytra, and painted with acrylic. This artwork will be visible and available for sale on the sculpture fair “Terre et Flamme” which take place in Rennes end october ! Ma nouvelle pièce “Iridescence” est enfin terminée ! Elle…
Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize
As you may know, I have the pleasure to have my sculpture “Underwater” as finalist for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize this year. The PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD is open today ! You can vote and support me until September 7th ! Very simple : click on the photo below, and all you have to do…
ARC award !
What an honor to receive this award among over 5400 entries from 75 countries ! 221 awards and honorable mentions have been given out by the prestigious ARC competition ! Congratulations to all the amazing artists, and thank you so much @artrenewalcenter !!!! Quel honneur de recevoir cette récompense parmi 5400 participations venant de 75…
Flower bust
This bust is ready for the sculpture fair “Terre et flamme” which take place in Rennes (Brittany, France) next october! Ce buste est fin prêt pour le salon de sculpture “Terre et flamme” qui aura lieu à Rennes en octobre.
Business cards
I just received my new business cards for the next upcoming shows!!! Je viens juste de reçevoir mes nouvelles cartes de visite pour mes prochaines expos!!!
New sculpture
Here’s my ghost bride started before my pregnancy and finaly done one year later. I am very happy with the translucent effect of the dress! This artwork will be on sale on my next show this automn. More info very soon. Voici ma mariée fantôme commencée avant ma grossesse et finalement finie un an plus…
Hello world
Welcome to my brand new website, made by my very skilled darling. You can find here a gallery of my recent artworks as well as the pieces available for sale, infos on my next shows, and all other news about my activity as a sculptor. Enjoy reading! Bienvenus sur mon nouveau site tout beau tout…